Wednesday, June 8, 2011

You Gotta Go Here if You Come to Florida!

Don't miss checking out this town, tours, food and stores if you come to Floriday Downsizers! I never tire of it!
Check out this postcard here:

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Longhorns of the Wichitas Postcard

Well Downsizer Laziboy Postcard traveler perfect day to visit here. We lost one of our favorite cowboys this week...Gunsmoke's James Arness. We spent many an hour out west with him, and his pals on our little tv screens! Well done Gunsmoke!

On the lighter side I was soooo excited to spot cows with these kind of horns while riding down our roads here in Florida when we moved here several years ago. And then kidding!...we saw a group of them in that rusty red color like the one behind the resting spotted cow in this postcard. THEY WERE BEAUTIFUL!

Check here to checkout this postcard: